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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Freecall2India are offering totally unlimited free calls to India and 70 other destinations without any registration or credit card requirement or other obligations.

Just dial the access number and you are connected, no password, PIN, security code, caller ID

HOw to use this service
1) Call the local access no.
If you are calling from
USA dial 631-763-1059
UK dial 0844-880-2451
For more access numbers visit the website

2)Select the language you want to use
3) Dial the destination Number in format Country code + Destination number (e.g. “919491234567”) without 011 or 00
You call will be connected instantly without any delay or Advertisement
No ads or call delay
Calls from UK to India costly because of access number.Don't try this from UK
No Registration required at anytime.

Call quality may or may not be that good.It is free so we cannot complaint.
Average call may last from 8 to 10 minutes or may be more.