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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

FreeCall Button offers Free calls to India

FreeCallButton is increasing it's free global calling area on May 1 2008. The main addition will be the entire country of India. Currently calls can terminate only in Hyderabad India. Effective May 1st, all phones in India will be covered.

Lets see how you can use Free Calls button to make free calls to India.

1) You can call USA access number (1-206-424-1330)or any access no. from their list of global access numbers.
2) Get a Free PIN at LDCall PIN service. This PIN changes everyday so you should get a new PIN updated on that website. Enter this PIN number when asked.
3) Now you will hear a dial tone. Dial 0091 and then the phone number followed by the # key.
4)Your call will be connected. Don't expect great quality since this is a free service and probably routed via non-premium lines.

Each call last for 5 minutes only and you can call again at every hour. To call the USA access number you can use services like Earthcaller, icall.....